標題: -人獅那羅希摩Narasimha – The Man-Lion, 藝術家名稱: Vandana Mengane
根據Puranas 傳說,(Narasimha)那羅希摩是毗濕奴的半獅子和半人類的化身。他的出生是為了了結魔鬼國王希蘭亞·卡夏普(Hiranya Kashyap)的統治,並在地上建立和平,秩序,正義以及法。
系列:進入印度的洞穴。,尺寸:42 釐米 x 42 釐米。,材料:混合介質。
Title: - Narasimha – The Man-Lion, Artist name: Vandana Mengane
Narasimha – The Man-Lion represents fourth avatar of Vishnu.
According to Puranas Narsimha is the half lion and a half-human avatar of Vishnu. He was born to end the reign of the demonic king Hiranya Kashyap and establish peace, order, righteousness, and other elements of dharma on earth.
Modern Science: Finally, primates were evolving into Hominidae forms that looked more like humans, were partially walking on their feet but, their brains were still not quite developed. They can be figuratively seen as having partly human lower body and animal like upper body.
Series: INTO THE CAVES OF INDIA, Size: 42cm x 42cm,Material: Mixed media.