標題: - Parashuram-戰士 藝術家名稱: Vandana Mengane
根據puranas傳說,Parashuram 拉瑪,一個拿著斧頭的戰士,是毗濕奴的化身,一個克夏特裡亞人。他被描繪成一個手裡拿著斧頭的聖人。他的出生是為了結束戰士統治階級,這個統治階級在鐵器時代已經成為暴政。克夏特裡亞開始濫用權力,讓別人的生活變得悲慘。因此,戰士羅摩拿起斧頭,將暴君繩之以法。
現代科學 - 在這個階段,人比以前存活得久,並且也學會使用斧頭等工具。在這個階段,生物發育完成,人類大腦開始自然地運作。根據進化論,生活在洞穴中的穴居人也使用工具來保護自己。
系列:進入印度的洞穴。, 尺寸:42 釐米 x 42 釐米。,材料:混合介質。
Title: - Parashuram – The Warrior, Artist name: Vandana Mengane
Parashuram – The Warrior represents sixth Avatar of Vishnu.
As per story in puranas, Parshurama is a Brahmin Kshatriya avatar of Vishnu. He is depicted as a sage with an axe in his hand. He was born to end the tyranny of the evil Kshatriyas, who misused their powers and made others’ lives miserable, and bring them to justice.
Modern Science - In this phase, the man was much taller than before and now he also knew to use tools like Axe. In this phase biological development is complete and the human brain starts functioning without any reason. According to the theory of evolution, the adimanav(primitive man) living in caves also used tools to protect themselves.
Series: INTO THE CAVES OF INDIA, Size: 42cm x 42cm, Material: Mixed media.